Tool of Thought

APL for the Practical Man

"You don't know how bad your design is until you write about it."

Version 20 Goodies

January 31, 2025

A pre-release edition of version 20 has found its way to our machine and it introduces the long-awaited ⎕VGET and ⎕VSET. Documentation does not seem to be at hand yet, so let's just play around and see how they work.

First, we can create a new namespace now with () rather than ⎕NS '':


Nice. Ok, lets set a variable:

      s ⎕VSET 'One' 1
      s ⎕VSET'One' 1

Probably wants it nested:

      s←()⎕VSET ⊂'One' 1
      s←()⎕VSET ('One' 1) ('Two' 2)
      s.(One Two)
1 2

Yes indeed. Why? It seems there could be a way to disambiguate a two item vector argument as Name Value vs (Name Value) (Name Value) given the level of nesting of the first item.

How about a matrix of names and values:

      s←()⎕VSET ↑('One' 1) ('Two' 2)
RANK ERROR: Invalid right argument
      s←()⎕VSET↑('One' 1)('Two' 2)

Doesn't like it. Often we have a list of names and a list of values in separate arrays:

      n←'one' 'two' 'three'
      v←1 2 3
      s←() ⎕VSET n v

Does not like that either. This is because if allowed, then:

      () ⎕VSET ('One' 'Two') ('Three' 'Four')

would be ambiguous. However we can do:

      s←()⎕VSET (↑n) v

...providing a matrix of names. Not really happy with this but no alternative seems to present itself.

Let's extract values:

      s ⎕VGET 'One'
      s ⎕VGET 'One' 'Two'
1 2
      s ⎕VGET ↑'One' 'Two'
1 2

Getting is more flexible than setting. How about with default values:

      s ⎕VGET'One' 'Two'('Three' 'three')
1 2  three 
      s ⎕VGET ('One' 'one') ('Two' 'two') ('Three' 'three')
1 2  three 
      s ⎕VGET ↑('One' 'one') ('Two' 'two') ('Three' 'three')
RANK ERROR: Invalid right argument
      s ⎕VGET↑('One' 'one')('Two' 'two')('Three' 'three')

Does not like a matrix of names values. Here though we see a problem with a two-item argument of Name and Value:

      s ⎕VGET 'One' 'one'
VALUE ERROR: Undefined name: one
      s ⎕VGET'One' 'one'
      s ⎕VGET ⊂'One' 'one'

Are we trying to get the value of two names, or one name with a default value? So if ⎕VGET requires a single name/value pair to be enclosed, maybe ⎕VSET should as well, even though maybe not strictly necessary.

And with names and values in separate arrays:

       s←()⎕VSET↓⍉↑n v
       s ⎕VGET n
1 2 3
       s ⎕VGET n v

If ⎕VSET would take n and v as is, and that last expresssion worked, this would be nice and symetrical.

How about an array of spaces as the left argument:

      a←()()() ⎕VSET ('One' 1) ('Two' 2) ('Three' 3)
1 1 1
      a.(One Two Three)
│1 2 3│1 2 3│1 2 3│

Oooooh. Very nice. Every name on the right is injected into every space on the left. Same as a.Var←5 injects Var into every namespace in a. How far can we go? How about a matrix:

      m←2 3⍴()()()()()()
      m ⎕VSET ('One' 1) ('Two' 2) ('Three' 3)
DOMAIN ERROR: Invalid left argument

Doh! But as namespaces are refs we can do:

      (,m) ⎕VSET ('One' 1) ('Two' 2) ('Three' 3)
1 1 1
1 1 1

Not bad, but it would be nicer if it just worked, just as m.Var←5 works. It's not so nice going the other way, as we actual need to use the result of the function:

      m ⎕VGET 'One'
DOMAIN ERROR: Invalid left argument
      m ⎕VGET'One'
      (,m) ⎕VGET 'One'
1 1 1 1 1 1

Where we need something like:

     m (⍴⍤⊣⍴,⍛⎕VGET) 'One'
1 1 1
1 1 1

as a workaround suggested, perhaps humorously but functional none the less, over on the Orchard.

Other notes. If no left argument is provided, it defaults to the current space or ⎕THIS:

      ⎕VSET ⊂'Hello' 'World'
      ⎕VGET 'Hello'

This is all great stuff and is going to replace a lot of hokey code.