Tool of Thought

APL for the Practical Man

Two Issues with ⎕XML

June 10, 2021

First, consider:

      ⎕XML 0 'p' 'This is a <em>bold</em> word.'
<p>This is a &lt;em&gt;bold&lt;/em&gt; word.</p> 

That is, when trying to embed some already formatted XML into the argument of ⎕XML, the results are not what we want. Richard Smith at Dyalog suggested a possible enhancement, stealing some ideas from how ⎕JSON works, which would be to enclose data that we do not want ⎕XML to modify in any way. The extra depth would be a signal to leave the data alone.

Second, consider:

      m←2 3⍴0 'pre' '' 1 'code' '      a←5'
      ]display m
↓   ┌→──┐  ┌⊖┐         │
│ 0 │pre│  │ │         │
│   └───┘  └─┘         │
│   ┌→───┐ ┌→────────┐ │
│ 1 │code│ │      a←5│ │
│   └────┘ └─────────┘ │
      ⎕XML m

Nicely formatted, but white space lost. Using the Whitespace=Preserve variant:

       xml←⎕XML⍠'Whitespace' 'Preserve'
       xml m
<pre><code>      a←5</code></pre>

we preserve the whitespace but lose the indented formatting. With ⎕XML is is currently all or nothing. What we want to do is have nicely formatted HTML output from ⎕XML, except for certain elements were we we know we want to preserve the whitespace.

Absent enhancements to ⎕XML by Dyalog, we can solve both problems in a similar way. For embedded HTML, we can enclose the data, note it, insert a special character as a holding place, and then after ⎕XML is run replace the special character with the raw HTML. Thus this works:

      H.DOM2HTML H.New 'p' (⊂⊂'This is a <em>bold</em> word.')
<p>This is a <em>bold</em> word.</p> 

Note the use of enclose twice here (⊂⊂) is for the same reason as this:

      ]display A←'One' 'Two' 'Three'
│ ┌→──┐ ┌→──┐ ┌→────┐ │
│ │One│ │Two│ │Three│ │
│ └───┘ └───┘ └─────┘ │
      ]Display A
│ ┌→──┐ ┌───────┐ ┌→────┐ │
│ │One│ │ ┌→──┐ │ │Three│ │
│ └───┘ │ │Two│ │ └─────┘ │
│       │ └───┘ │         │
│       └∊──────┘         │

For preserving blanks and line endings while still getting nicely indented XML, an EncodePre function is provided to temporaily replace blanks and newlines with special characters. Then, the DOM2HTML function will reverse the substitions after the application of ⎕XML:

      _←p H.New'code' (H.EncodePre'      ⎕←a←⍳5 ',(⎕UCS 13),'0 1 2 3 4')
      H.DOM2HTML p 
  <code>      ⎕←a←⍳5                                
0 1 2 3 4</code>                                    