Tool of Thought

APL for the Practical Man

"You don't know how bad your design is until you write about it."

Testing GUIs: Wrestling with Events

August 18, 2023

GUI applications are complicated. Callbacks are attached to events and processed by ⎕DQ. Events can get queued up by their nature. For example, a single user action on a grid can fire a GridKeyPress event, followed by a CellChange event followed by a CellChanged event. Events can also get queued up because a callback explicitly calls ⎕NQ adding another event to the queue. During the normal course of using the application, this all just works (hopefully!). However, the moment we try to write automated tests that exercise the GUI, the complexity manifests itself.

The first problem that arises is that when testing, we cannot run ⎕DQ at all. If we ⎕DQ the main form, we cannot then run a test function.

Note that it is possible to either write your tests into the application itself, so that they run under the main ⎕DQ of the application, or to run each test under a temporary invocation of ⎕DQ - by using ⎕NQ to put a test into the queue. But these techniques are overly complicated and add nothing useful. They make writing and tracing tests more difficult, and they don't solve a secondary problem of modal subforms like dialog boxes.

This is easy to solve. We just use the implicit ⎕DQ that runs when the session is wait mode. We should also avoid all uses of ⎕DQ to wait on modal forms. A simply TestMode flag in our application facilitates this.

The second and more difficult problem to solve is that in a GUI test function we want to fire events and make assertions, and fire more events and make more assertions, and this must behave exactly as it does in a runtime situation under ⎕DQ. But firing a single event can stack up multiple events, and these will not fire in real time during the execution of the test function. This is because when the test function runs, there is no opportunity for queued up callbacks to execute. When the interpreter drops into immediate execution mode, then the queued up events can be processed by the session's implicit ⎕DQ. We have the strange situation where an assertion fails and the test stops, and then the assertion can be re-executed and it passes, as the very fact of failure has allowed the interpreter to pause and process the queued up events. How then is this problem solved? We must have a way of giving the interpreter an opportunity on every line of the test function, or at least on every line that fires an event, to process all of the events that may occur as a result of the primary event that was fired.

The magic that does this is:

     _←⎕NQ ⍵
     0⊣{⎕DQ ⍵⊣⎕NQ ⍵ 999}¨⍺.DequeueTimes⍴⍺ 

is the primary form.

We fire the primary event with ⎕NQ. We then enter and exit an explict ⎕DQ as many times as necessary to process the queued up events right on the spot. The ⎕NQ fires a 999 event which is set to exit ⎕DQ. It is not always clear how many times we must enter and exit ⎕DQ to clear the queue. And of course it is different for different primary events. Luckily it appears we can set it to an arbitrarily high number, say 10, with no performance penalty.

The sample GUI app in Provanto contains an example of explicitly using ⎕NQ in callbacks to create a chain of 7 events. It can be observed that we must enter and exit ⎕DQ exactly 7 times to process all the events. In a real-life large GUI application the magic number appeared to be 4.