Tool of Thought

APL for the Practical Man

"You don't know how bad your design is until you write about it."

High-Rank Arrays

November 15, 2023

A recent episode of Array Cast discussed high-rank arrays and the concept of named axes. (I vaguely remembered that Brother Steve had done a paper on this very topic some 20 odd years ago, and sure enough he did.) One use or application of high-rank arrays covered in the podcast was essentially multidimensional OLAP. That is, the construction of high rank arrays from some other source, usually a relational database, precomputing ranges, bins, categories and various measures. For example, in some health care application, you might end up with a rank 6 array that contains record counts by age, sex, marital status, income range, smoker, and drinks-per-day. This application of high-rank arrays is a very bad idea, that has been around a long time, and like many bad ideas, refuses to die.

Voluminous books have been written, endless jargon coined, complex software designed, and vast fortunes made consulting, all selling this bill of goods. All because SQL is viewed as virtually synonymous with the relational database model, and the vast majority of commercial RDBMS implementations use row-based storage. In other words, it's hard and time consuming to write analytic queries that require full table scans in Oracle or SQL Server, and then they run slow. This is no reason to jettison the relational database model.

The name "multidimensional" in this context is completely misleading. It implies that the relational model is somehow not multidimensional. But of course it is. The very fact that an OLAP "data cube" can be constructed from a single relational database table proves this. It is true that a table or matrix has two dimensions, rows and columns. But it is also true that a vector of length n represents a point in n-space. And a matrix is just a collection of row vectors, or a collection of points in n-space. So what then is a matrix? Is it a two dimensional thing or an n-dimensional thing? The answer is that it is both, often at the same time; it simply depends on what's in it, and how we interpret it. But whatever is in it, and however we interpret it, it never ever makes sense to explode the thing into a high-rank array, taking a lot of time and trouble in the process, losing tons of information along the way, and blowing out your workspace to boot.

Also discussed in the podcast was another idea, at best equally bad, probably worse; high-depth arrays and dependent types as an alternative to the relational model. The example presented was storing data about planets and their moons, where a table of planets has a moons column that contains nested tables of moons for each planet. This leads to more complexity, more difficulty in querying, more problems in efficient storage, and all sorts of other problems. Imagine you then want to store the elements that have been found on each moon. You can see where that leads, and it's no where good. The relational model solved this problem simply and elegantly something like 60 years ago.

With the right design (column oriented), and a query language based on APL, the relational model is the right way to organize your data in the examples above. Like the core concepts of APL, the relational model cannot be improved upon. High-rank arrays and nested tables are useful and appropriate in some cases, but not here.