Tool of Thought

APL for the Practical Man

"You don't know how bad your design is until you write about it."

The Abacus Threading Model

April 28, 2024

Way back in September 2022 we looked at threading the HTMLRenderer. A few changes have happened since then including some additional requirements around modal dialogs, progress bars, and confirmation boxes. Let's take a look.

To review, Abacus uses websockets for two-way asynchronous communication between the browser (whether the HTMLRenderer or a remote, independent client browser) and an APL session.

There are four different types of client-server interaction that must be considered.

The first two types of interaction originate on the client side, from the user taking action in the browser. These interactions are asynchronous - the client sends a message to the server and goes on its merry way. The server may send back 0 or more messages at some point.

The 1st interaction type is the normal case of handling basic user actions like clicking a button, entering text in an input field or scrolling though a datagrid. These messages are threaded and queued. Each message executes an APL handler function in its own thread, but each thread must wait for the previous thread to complete before it starts. This queue is managed by ⎕TSYNC. Why are these messages threaded only to be queued and run sequentially? Because we always want the websocket messages to be handled immediately (thus the threading), but in the normal case we want user generated events handled in order (thus the queue). The APL handler function will in this case almost always send some HTML back to the browser.

Note that these threaded-and-queued messages can, if they need to, kick off long-running processes in yet another thread and report back immediately to the client, and avoid tying up the server.

There is at least one other technique for handling threaded and queued messages. There is no reason that we need a new thread for each message. Messages must be dispatched in a thread other than 0, but since they are queued they do not need to be in different threads from each other. Thus, when the app starts, we could create one permanent thread with ⎕TGET in a loop, and have the main thread chuck messages into it using ⎕TPUT. You would think this might be more efficient than creating a new short-lived thread for every single message. But you might be wrong.

The 2nd interaction type is the case of handling user actions that control or modify a previous user action. Consider a confirmation dialog box. This is Modal with a capital M - that is a function executing in APL is paused on a particular line, waiting for the user in the browser to take some action, like Continue or Cancel. This message cannot wait for the previous request to finish, because the previous request is asking the user if he wants to continue or cancel the previous request. Therefore it must execute immediately and without delay on the server. Or consider a progress bar dialog that must let the server know that the process kicked off by the previous message should be canceled or paused. This too cannot wait for the previous message to complete. These messages are unthreaded and unqueued. These messages generally do not send any HTML back to the client - that is done by the message they are modifying.

There are also modal dialog boxes with a lower case m. These are modal only in the sense that the user cannot interact with the rest of the page until the modal is dismissed. There is no pendant or waiting APL function over on the server. Generally modal dialogs should be avoided, and Modal dialogs with a capital M avoided even more, but they both have their proper place, and it is important that we can create them and have automated tests that exercise them.

The 3rd and 4th types of interaction originate on the server and simulate synchronous behavior. That is, a function on the server sends a message to the client and waits, using ⎕TGET, for a response. Both of these types are generally used only for automated testing. There is generally no reason for an application to need this functionality in the normal course.

The 3rd type is the case of handling synchronous JavaScript. The server sends a JavaScript snippet to the client for execution and waits for a response. The server will send the TID with the request as an identifier, and the client will send it back. This allows the server to use ⎕TGET and ⎕TPUT to implement synchronous behavior. The prime use of synchronous JavaScript requests is testing: the server needs to get the innerHTML of some element to inspect the state of the client. The result message from the client is not threaded or queued, and requires no real processing of any sort; it is simply chucked to the waiting server thread using ⎕TPUT.

The 4th type of interaction is the server firing an event on the client, which in turn is handled by the server. When a function on the server sends an event to be fired back on the client, it must wait (in a thread, so as not to block) for the client to send a request back, and for that request to complete. Then, and only then, can the server function inspect the state of the server and/or the client to make sure the intended thing actually happened. When the server handles the message that the server has asked the client to send, it handles it just as if the user initiated the event, with the exception that when the task completes, the thread handling the task must notify the waiting thread of completion. Again, this is generally only used for automated testing.